- IDF Material
Defense Inventory
Israel's defense forces (IDF) are prepared for action to meet the challenges presented by any threat. Maintaining such readiness levels requires all weapon systems to undergo constant modernization and upgrading, in order to prolong their lifespan. Upholding such high level of readiness requires stocking large quantities of ammunition and spare parts, to ensure adequate logistic supplies required to support the combat forces in times of war.
When newer systems replace used ones that may still be valuable for others. Such systems are offered as military inventory. Recently, the IDF is phasing out earlier generations of weapon systems, releasing relatively advanced Aircraft, Helicopters, Armored combat vehicle and Naval Vessels. Those platforms are offered to friendly nations seeking to obtain such reliable, well-maintained military systems that can meet customer requirements.
All systems and the spare parts offered are combat proven and operated by the IDF. Most of the equipment has already been upgraded to the use of modern combat environment.
About Us:
SIBAT's Defense Inventory unit manages the marketing and sales of defense establishment's surplus military systems and equipment. The unit specializes primarily in military and "dual use" equipment and offers a total package approach for the following:
- Air Force –
Aircraft. Airborne
systems, missiles, radars. Armament and ammunition
Navy –
Navy platforms –boats, various types
Land Forces –
Tanks, APCs, armored vehicles, trucks, infantry weapons, ammunition and medical equipment
Spare parts
The Defense Inventory Marketing & Sales unit is the sole authority within the IMOD for the sale of surplus military equipment and inventory from the IDF.
The services are offered to approved government partners and are carried out via tenders or negotiations. They are subject to international and IMOD regulations.
Our Goals:
To ensure compliance with the legal and environmental requirements in Israel and as required abroad, in the sales process.
To enable opportunities to combine the purchase with complementary activity in the Israeli industry.
To carry out a professional, high-quality and efficient sales procedure.
To locate surplus or combat equipment available for sale and required by approved customers and friendly governments.
To be the ONE STOP SHOP contact center for handling inquiries in the entire sales process for the customer.
We are available for inquiries by email and phone in Hebrew and English only.
Every application must indicate:
Company name (if applicable)
Mr, Mrs, (delete the unnecessary)
Degree/Education (if applicable)
First name and Last name.
Head office address including country.
The address of the branch from which the reference is sent, including country (if applicable)
Office and mobile phone number.
E-Mail address.
Company website.
Only inquiries with full information will be answered.
We are available for you for any question.
For additoinal information contact us:
E-mail: sibat_definventory@mod.gov.il
Tel: 03-6977668, 03-6977436, 03-6977946
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